Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Love Is Here

Love is a silent conversation
Spoken privately between souls
Love is the internet of the heart
The spirit’s first, last and only goal
Love is the sound of snow falling
A bird chirping in a distant tree
Love is in the very silence
In the fallowness of you and me
Love is a striking gaze
Delicate hand slipping down your face
Love is fingers interlocking
Heart racing at a rapid pace
Love is a desperate gasp of air
A waiting with expectant ears
Love is an insatiable thirst
Quenched only by our tears
Love is a warm embrace
Unspoken between friends
Love is an understanding
That love has no beginning, middle or end
Love is an inner smile
Knowing that things are better than okay
Love is sipping the nectar of life
Each and every day
Love is here
-Miriam Goodman